Trademark Team

The Trademark Team comprises of Sailaja Mootoosamy and Bebisoa Zafindravaka who work under the supervision of Mr. Jean Jacques Robert and is one of the major areas of expertise of EGR.

The Trademark Team provides services in relation to Intellectual Property (comprising of patents, inventions, industrial designs, trademarks, trade names, service marks and collective marks) to both foreign and local companies. The team works in line with the The Patents, Industrial Designs and Trademarks Act 2002 to provide advice to clients on the goods and services they want to register as Intellectual Property on the basis of the classification provided for under the NICE classification (Ninth Edition) for Trademarks and the Locarno classification for Industrial Designs.

Yoven and Marie Noelle are responsible for the registration, renewal and filing of documents in respect of new Trademarks, Patents and Industrial Designs. They follow up the files for existing Trademarks, Patents and Industrial Designs and liaise with the Industrial Property Office for the maintenance of existing patents and renewal of Industrial Designs and Trademarks.  They also execute procedures in relation to assignments, change of address/change of ownership, and transfer of intellectual property already registered.

Injunctions are also lodged on a very rapid basis in matters of intellectual property.

Jean Jacques Robert Jean Jacques Robert Attorney at Law